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Mom's Hug

My child has a disability?

It can be overwhelming at first when you begin to suspect your child has a disability, or when your child has recently qualified as having a disability. SERC is here to help you find information and respources which may help. 

How, what, and why.

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to have a medical diagnosis, but not qualify for an educational disability?

YES. For example, you may have a child who has a diagnosed medical disability (like autism), but not meet diagnostic criteria set by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), whether due to their social skills demonstrated within the school, language development, or academic performance, in comparison to same-age peers.


Who is on an Evaluation Team, or IEP Team?

This may vary to some degree depending on the special education program, as well as the student's suspected disability area. Evaluation team members may consist of: parents/guardians, school psychologist, school social worker, special education teacher, regular education teacher, speech/language pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, teacher for the visually impaired, deaf and hard of hearing teacher, etc, as well as an LEA to ensure compliance. The IEP team will consist of core team members (parent/guardians, special education teacher, regular education teacher, and LEA, and any other service providers the student may have qualified for. 

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